Thursday, April 23, 2015

Visual Power � Use The Power Of Your MIND To Enhance Sport Performance


Visualisation is a common skill we all use all the time; to achieve anything, to do anything,personalized bobblehead, we first see ourselves doing it. So visualisation is not something strange or difficult, but something we all constantly use in order to function in the world ..... we all can visualise. The trouble is, most people use visualisation negatively they imagine all the bad things that could happen,personalized bobbleheads, and then hope they don t!

The important thing to realise is that we human beings are a lot like guided missiles we move in the direction of our regular and consistent thoughts and imaginings; we move toward what we picture in our mind particularly what we picture with vividness and strong feeling,personalized bobble heads,So You Want To Start A Blog�COMPETITION The Second In A Series Of Three Articles.

Whenever we associate a vivid picture with a strong feeling,., it has a magnetic attraction so be careful of what you picture with feeling, because you will be pulled in that direction.

Have you ever imagined doing something you didn t want to do ... only to find yourself almost magnetically compelled to do just that despite all your best willpower efforts?

It s important to remember that imagination is more powerful than willpower so the first mental skill to develop is to learn to control and direct your imagination ...... rather than letting your imagination direct you,custom bobblehead!


There is overwhelming scientific and anecdotal evidence which demonstrates the undeniable fact that visualisation can improve your sports performances. In my own research,Make Out How Of Buying Bow In Archery Equipment,personalized bobbleheads, the feedback I ve received from athletes is that they improved their performance from 10 to 50 !

Visualisation works but do you know why? It works because visualisation has a measurable, physiological effect on our body. When you visualise doing a movement, play,Can You Be A Professional Paintball Player, stroke, shot,customize bobblehead, or performance, there is a measurable response by the specific muscles used in that activity in response to your imagined movements.

For instance,personalized bobble heads, in order to make a perfect movement/play/ stroke/shot in reality, a specific program of neuro muscular circuits has to fire in order for that to happen. However, if I just vividly imagine doing that action, it s been found that micro muscular stimulation occurs in those same muscles used to do it in reality .

In fact,,, neurologically, your body can t tell the difference between a real experience, and a vividly imagined one. You consciously know one experience is real and the other is imagined,customized bobbleheads, but at the cellular level,customized bobbleheads,Let�s Know Something More About �Skydiving, your body can t tell the difference.

Because there is this muscular response to visualised activity,personalized bobblehead, it makes it possible to program in desired shots, strokes, plays, movements, behaviours, and even emotional responses prior to doing them. In other words you can groove in to your body at a cellular level,custom bobbleheads, a muscle memory of what you want your body to do.

Further, visualisation allows you to practice your techniques perfectly without error, and so groove in the optimum neural pathway for future successful performances.

Remember you re more than a body. Successful sports performances today come from a holistic approach to training harnessing the body AND mind to the goal of sporting excellence,custom bobbleheads.

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