Monday, March 16, 2015

The Gimmick Part 3

There is one last gimmick that should get addressed. I had forgotten about it until I received an email asking for help creating a preacher gimmick. Actually there where two that I remember. Brother Love and Reverend Slick Both used the close to the same gimmick embracing the Lord and used it to create heat. I added a few things to the character. I created the taunt �The power of Christ repels you� and the sign of the cross. For finishing moves I came up with the Amen and Revelation. It combines the old school and new school. I am giving this illustration to show how simple it can be to create a gimmick without just copying what has already been done. Remember I said there already is a Rock,., Hulk Hogan or Stone Cold but the world has not met you. You are a unique person and your character should also be unique and personal. The idea is to be fresh and unique. II like to think of my characters as a work in progress as we grow so should our character. By adding a new outfit or a new move or two keeps things fresh and new to keep interest in your character. You want to keep yourself on the crowds mind. Doing things that they will talk about for days and maybe weeks to come also keeps the fans coming back for more. Keeping the paycheck coming in for yourself and the federation is what it is all about.

Before I wrap up the series I want to review a few things and cover a couple things that I missed,customize bobblehead. So far I have covered how to info creating your character. The next step is up to you,custom bobbleheads. Once you get matches under your belt there are a few options,personalized bobble heads.

Maybe you see yourself as a jobber and get beat up every week and give the fans a great show. You try your best and even get a few lucky shots in. However in the end you meet with defeat. Hey someone has to lose, but hey you are living your dream and making money. Eventually your hard work and determination you move up the ladder and soon you could headline a main event. At this time you could think of two things, moving on to a bigger group or being champion.

Let�s take moving on first, its hard leaving that nest but sometimes you need to spread your wings and fly to grow. It was really tough for me as I had a feeling of loyalty and commitment but saw chances at bigger and supposed better things. Nothing worked out and I nearly burned a bridge along the way. Forget the Cardinal rule �never bite the hand that feeds you�. Your home federation comes first. Always leave on good terms, fulfill your obligations to the best of your abilities. Give 111 but most say 110 but I say 1 more shows greater loyalty. This also shows your future employer what to expect from you.

There may also be a time when they ask you to come back for anniversary shows or why not a Hall of Fame. Ok that maybe pushing it because who thinks about their legacy but it helps to keep an open mind. Some independents allow you to work other shows just don�t double book yourself. If you can�t do it respectfully say thank you and regretfully refuse. There always is another show.

You like the group that you are in and want to move up. This can happen in a variety of ways. I will address three ways. Number one is self explanatory. Work your tail off and get noticed. When the promoter is putting together the next card he could offer the opportunity of a lifetime. This gets frustrating as most promotions keep the title in house meaning if you�re not family the odds on the belt are very little. Rocky V did a scene where the promoter spoke about how it�s a complicated business and owing the contracts. While not dirty it�s true that Rank and Ratings can be manipulated. You may get a shot and maybe not. Don�t get discouraged as many superstars have had a great career and a lot of fun and never held a title. A title is like being valedictorian in school it�s a great honor but maybe is not for everyone. Champions have a lot of expectations on them. They are to carry the federation on their shoulders. Often have to do extra travel and promotion thus being away from home more. Like anything it has its good and bad points to consider,Traditional Gifts,customize bobblehead. Just something to think about that might not be thought of. We only tend to see the good and positive things. Having all the facts helps to make good choices in life.

Second your approached by the promoter and told if you pay for the belt you can be the champion by purchasing it and a story is created. I did this once and it was a fun run. It�s hard to make it meaningful,personalized bobble heads. You might actually find that it feels like a paper champion and your title was manufactured. Sound familiar? Now for me the fact that I was champion and proved myself week after week as a champion led to a win win situation,,,Winter Olympics Hockey Just Around The Corner.

The third method only works if you have a good relationship with other wrestlers and a champion. Recently when I thought about a comeback I knew a champion. I spoke to him about doing one more match and expressed how it would mean a lot if it could be with him. Ask and you shall receive.

So now you have the gimmick, Federation and Championship. You�re on top of the world. Years pass and you even manage to take the time to visit a hospital, charity event or two and just maybe get a project on TV. Not just local cable show but a nationally known show and for me it was Jerry Springer.

There will come a time when it is no longer fun when you reach the point that�s it�s a job and not fun or in my case you are in the ring and midway thru a flip lose your balance and fall avoiding injury but receiving the wake up call that your best boys are behind you its your time for your greatest challenge.

An undefeated named Retirement. Yes it is a very difficult subject. As everyone wants to live forever and no one wants to quit,personalized bobbleheads. However when it stops being fun or a near injury makes the choice necessary do it for yourself. Its okay to be selfish in this case. You only get 1 chance at life. No continue or extra lives,customized bobbleheads.

But there is no reason to totally walk away. Like I quoted my friend saying �you need to walk away and don�t look back�. As with most events in our life there is an exception to the rule,customized bobbleheads. I remember what Hulk Hogan said at his hall of fame induction �Never say Never.� There is always the option of one more match and in his case perhaps several. I originally thought about one last match and ended up coming up with a series of ideas but in the end my body was unable to fulfill what my heart wanted to do. I had to say no more. So is that it then,Guide to Buy Wedding Dresses at Low Cost? Do you have to close the door and leave? No you do not I am happy to say there is life beyond physical sports entertainment. There actually are possibilities and hope for us old war horses.

Many past super stars have found careers backstage as Bookers or Talent Trainers,personalized bobblehead. Myself I realized that I am a good writer and turned that into a way to continue being involved. This way I only risk a paper cut or a cramp in the hand. Although typing someday may lead to Carpel Tunnel (lol),custom bobbleheads.

I got to apply what I have learned and have helped mentor a few people. It is like passing the torch to the next star,About Bear Archery. In addition to writing this column I also do scripting for a fantasy federation. There are so many things that I could do here that I could never achieve in the real world. Plus I get to live in the cyber world.

I hope I have been able to give a road map if you will of how to begin, have a great run and end when its time. I am always willing and happy to answer questions one on one and given a suggestion write a column on a topic when warranted.

I had hoped to include a piece on my 1st promoter and had even set up a brief introduction last week but I felt that after reviewing last week if left some unfinished business and I really wanted to tie it up before beginning on a new topic. So next week I will have the story of the man who me my start and his 17 years plus career.

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