Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Hammer Tyme #9

My title this week makes a rhythm but I am not a poet like Leaping Lanny Poffo or a Rapper like Crime Tyme or John Cena. While an interesting gimmick nonetheless but not my cup of tea or interest. I was thinking about what to write this week and I have written about being champion but one thing gave me inspiration as not presented yet.

If someone has knowledge on how to be a champion, why do these champions� not keep it or continue to get it back when they lose it. Being champion has its benefits, money, fame and movies just to name a few. So why would not you want to keep that. Is it burn out or injury that makes you want to leave the spotlight. Maybe it just does not mean as much to you as it once did. After all, people change that is what makes us unique. It also puts a huge burden on the creative staff by constantly coming up with storylines to keep the title with one person.

Before I continue, let us look at this creative staff. They are more important in some cases than the wrestlers are. Yes, you need wrestlers for a show but someone needs to tell what to do and make it interesting. Without the returning fan, there is no work to comeback to. The owner or promoter in smaller federations often does these themselves as they probably do not have the budget to pay someone or they are a former AWA or WWE/WWF star that has experience and does not need or want a staff.

The creative staff has several responsibilities. You probably did not know they often create the gimmick. Costumes, backstage and storylines for each wrestler are only part of their responsibilities. While some wrestlers have creative control or influence over their character, most do not have that choice. Usually is reversed as a reward for the Main Event or future stars. Deep pocket WCW had a staff that developed costumes. They began with the idea often in discussion ending in notes. Those notes then became a drawing got approved or reworked until it was approved. The final step then is putting it together as a real outfit. After they created the look, another group created the music, entrance lighting and anything else needed to bring in idea to life. The writer or writers took over and determined how the new creation would be introduced. Unfortunately not all ideas work and just because a few like it not everyone does. It falls on the creative staff to change or adapt their creation or redraft a new character.

Doink for example was not only Doink. He also was the Brooklin Brawler. Being willing to do more and wearing a mask or make up gave the ability to make more money and keep other expenses low. Paying for one travel and getting two performers helped the budget. Also in some cases, change is good. Papa Shango became God Father with a changed appearance and new identity. Wrestlers are like actors in a way. If they are not type cast or accepted, they get recycled into something new. I was once offered a developmental contract. What that means is they work to develop your character for a set amount of time rebranding if needed until they accept you or you and the company part ways. My offer was for three years, sounds like a long time but would have gone fast. The creative control can also cause the creative staff stress. Hulk Hogan and Stone Cold refused to let the other win. Vince refused to let the match end in a draw as he said people pay to see a winner and loser. Eventually he said hell with it and ended the idea. The creative staff offers for someone who is not able to wrestle for whatever reason the ability to contribute to the industry.

Therefore, as you see the Creative Staff has many hats. I wonder if this was the old school �Championship Committee�. It would make sense and answer questions. I am reminded of an interesting variation of management. WCW used a �member� of TBS broadcasting Dr Harvey Shiller to fire Eric Bishoff. Eric thought he was untouchable as the headman but when you disrespect the one with the gold, you almost certainly end up unemployed. Since in a round about way TBS owned WCW it worked to have him fired. The ironic part is TBS had no Dr Shiller on payroll and his office never even existed.

Old school AWA had Stanley Blackburn as their big man that had final say. In addition, who did not call Jack Tunney a jerk and Buffoon for his bad calls? These men deserve credit however as they did fulfill the requests of the Creative Staff and attempted to do a good show.

Another less talked about position was the �Booker� no not a gambling but in a sense maybe. The Booker was responsible for getting the venue for the show, getting the right matches and selling out the facility. In the old days the lights where dimmed for effect but also to hide empty seats, entire sections sadly were never filled. Today it is a rare moment that an arena is unfilled. It was and is rare to see an entire section go empty. Being sold out use to be a marketing tool and gave bragging rights. Announcers would start saying the show was coming from the sold out ________________. While not just because of the Creative Committee or Staff, they did play a major role in it. They are equals and just as important as talent you need one for the other. No one is more important. Yet these behind the scenes people never get spotlight or any recognition or glory that we see. Maybe they have the satisfaction of seeing a successful show and a bonus of some kind. Not that I am lobbying for benefits or as a writer expect a pat on the back but it is sometimes nice to get feedback for our hard work and dedication. To often, we hear only negative this show sucked, why have King Kong Bundy vs. a Midget or how come we do not see Cage Matches more. Those are a few suggestions. We tend to keep praise to ourselves not lifting up someone on a pedestal but saying good job or liked the show.

Back to the writing issue that started this column. I feel for these people who have to come up with great ideas every week and try to top what they thought was their best. Someone asks me how I do it. I try to spend an hour a day either researching ideas or writing down thoughts. I then set aside a day to type my stuff in and hopefully after yelling at spell check and grammar check I do a word count cross fingers that it is enough. I have learned not to wait till the last minute anymore and not get things done early so I can tweak things as the week goes on. Deadlines are no longer fear. I also find by the time I submit my column I have a good start on the next. So far I have been affected by writers block or being without a subject.

So back to the winning formula for being champion and the ribbon for the Package of the article, which will be joined here, hand in hand. The formula changes constantly to keep the story fresh. What works once may not work next time. We strive to be better and push ourselves. If there was simple or even difficult plan or map, anyone could do it and the uniqueness would no longer exist. We would get bored and lose interest. No interest means no viewers, which means no job. The snowball effect AHH! Even the Hulk or Flair could not beat that challenge. We may resist but change is part of life good or bad, right or wrong wanted or not we grow by shaking up the comfort zone. It is all part of a theme that I was taught to succeed in this business you to be larger then life. With this in mind, we are off to a great start. I just want to note that just being a good writer is not enough to enter into the Sports Entertainment business. Like anything else, it requires training. The degree from College is an important and necessary requirement. Yes, that sheepskin as the old school calls it. Before you go running into a writing career just like with wrestling, do your homework. The advantage is TNA has just begun an intern program for third and fourth yr college students. WWE lists requirements for its writing staff and creative dept online when available.

I like quoting Rocky movies and now that I am writing and not fighting, I think of Apollo Creed and the Reporter�.

�You can be a lot of things, doctor, lawyer, teacher or astronaut, do anything you want just not a fighter. Be a thinker not a stinker.�

I have chosen that route maybe this will inspire someone to do the same, passing the torch is what my legacy is now. Hope that is what I have done here. How will I top myself? Comeback next week to find out how I manage to continue to top myself can it continue?

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